The Importance of Postpartum Chiropractic Adjustments for Both Mom and Baby

Hello everyone,

As a chiropractor specializing in prenatal and pediatric care, I wanted to share some insights into the importance of postpartum chiropractic adjustments for both mothers and their newborns. It’s a topic I’m passionate about, and I’ve seen firsthand the incredible benefits it can bring to both mom and baby during the critical post-birth period.

Postpartum Adjustments for Moms

The postpartum period is a time of significant physical recovery for mothers. After the intense experience of labor and delivery, a woman's body undergoes a myriad of changes as it begins to heal and adjust to post-pregnancy life. Scheduling a postpartum chiropractic adjustment as soon as one week after giving birth can be incredibly beneficial.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences changes in posture, joint alignment, and ligament flexibility due to the hormones relaxin and estrogen. These changes are necessary for childbirth but can result in misalignments and discomfort after delivery. Early postpartum chiropractic care focuses on realigning the pelvis and spine, which often bear the brunt of these changes.

By addressing these misalignments, chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate common postpartum issues such as lower back pain, hip discomfort, and general body soreness. Moreover, these adjustments can enhance the body's natural healing processes by improving circulation and reducing inflammation. My goal is to help new moms feel more balanced and comfortable, allowing them to focus on caring for their newborn without being hindered by physical pain.

Adjustments for Newborns

Newborns, too, can greatly benefit from chiropractic care. The birth process, whether vaginal or cesarean, can be quite strenuous on a baby’s body. I typically recommend scheduling a newborn’s first chiropractic adjustment within the first month of life, ideally around two weeks.

During a newborn adjustment, the techniques used are incredibly gentle, primarily involving light fingertip pressure. These adjustments help address any spinal misalignments that may have occurred during birth, which can lead to issues such as colic, difficulty breastfeeding, head flattening and sleep disturbances. The goal is to ensure that the baby’s nervous system is functioning optimally, supporting their overall health and development.

Parents often notice that their baby seems more relaxed and comfortable after an adjustment. This can make a significant difference in those early weeks and months, helping the baby settle into a routine more easily and reducing stress for the entire family.

Why It Matters

The importance of postpartum and newborn chiropractic adjustments extends beyond immediate relief. For mothers, these adjustments aid in faster recovery, improved posture, and pain reduction. For newborns, they can prevent and address common issues stemming from the birthing process and support healthy growth and development.

I’ve had the privilege of helping many families through this crucial period. Seeing a mother regain her strength and comfort, and watching a newborn thrive after a gentle adjustment, is incredibly rewarding. Chiropractic care is a gentle, effective way to support the health and well-being of both mother and baby during the postpartum period.

When to Schedule

Here are my recommendations for scheduling these vital adjustments:

  • For Moms: Aim to have your first postpartum adjustment within the first two weeks after delivery. Addressing any misalignments early on can significantly enhance your recovery. Along with the initial postpartum adjustment I also recommend an appointment at 6 weeks postpartum, or when you have been medically cleared for workouts, in order to check for any postpartum diastasis recti abdominal separation.

  • For Babies: It’s best to schedule their first adjustment within the first month, around two weeks if possible. If there are any immediate concerns, such as feeding difficulties or excessive fussiness, don't hesitate to come in sooner.

In conclusion, chiropractic care plays a crucial role in post-birth recovery and well-being. It supports mothers in their recovery journey and ensures that babies have a healthy start. If you’re considering chiropractic care postpartum, I highly encourage you to reach out to a chiropractor experienced in prenatal and pediatric care.


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